To become an aromatherapist, you do not have to obtain any special licensing - at least not in the U.S. To help boost up your chances of getting hired, you can get into an aromatherapy certificate program or other training.
Practicing Aromatherapy
As you get into aromatherapy, you will find that there are a variety of places you can gain employment from. Some of the places you can find yourself working can include high end spas, medical clinics and other holistic environments. Within a spa, you would be performing massages and using fragrances of essential oils for the healing ailments like allergies and body pain.
Essential Oils
Some of the essential oils you may be working with include lavender, rosemary and chamomile. They are all popular products used by aromatherapists. It is required that you have a lot of knowledge about the different essential oils and their benefits.
Educational guidelines for aromatherapists have been established by the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy, which is an educational non-profit organization. Standards have also been placed on the profession and the process of obtaining a certificate.
Aromatherapy can be a very rewarding career financially. You could end up making between $15,000 and $45,000 annually - according to the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy. The salary you will make all depends on your experience, the location you live in and where you end up employed.